Jaggery/Gud - Health benefits, ayurvedic remedies, application, chemical constituents and many more


 Jaggery/Gud - The Indian traditional sugar

Sugar and sweet consumption have been popular and intrinsic to Indian culture, traditions, and religion from ancient times. Jaggery and Khandsari (type of partially refined to unrefined sugar with a strong molasses content and flavour) are the traditional source of sugar. Jaggery (Gur) is a natural sweetener made by concentration of sugarcane juice, contains all minerals and vitamins present in sugarcane juice. Jaggery is important in Indian diet, which is consumed either directly or used in preparation of various sweet based foods. Jaggery is generally called as “medicinal sugar” because of its use in Ayurveda as well as its comparison with honey.

Jaggery, also known as Panela, is a rich source of minerals, proteins, and vitamins. These nutrients form the essential constituents of a healthy diet. Jaggery, in contrast with white sugar, contains a robust quantity of iron and copper percentage. The liberal vitamin content makes jaggery a superior class of nat................................read more


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Vitamins and Minerals content

Vitamins : vitamins (Vitamin A-3.8 mg, Vitamin B1-0.01 mg, Vitamin B2-0.06 mg, Vitamin B5-0.01 mg, Vitamin B6-0.01 mg, Vitamin C-7.00 mg, Vitamin D2-6.50 mg, Vitamin E-111.30 mg, Vitamin PP-7.00 mg) per 100 g of jaggery.

Minerals : (Calcium-40-100 mg, Magnesium-70-90 mg, Potassium-1056 mg, Phosphorus-20-90 mg, Sodium-19-30 mg, Iron-10-13 mg, Manganese-0.2-0.5 mg, Zinc-0.2- 0.4 mg, Copper-0.1-0.9 mg, and Chloride-5.3 mg per 100 g of jaggery)

• The limit of permissible quality characteristics of jaggery are moisture—7%, sucrose—70%, total sugars—90%, reducing sugars—20%, ash—4% and acid insoluble ash—0.3%.

• The granular jaggery is rich in minerals (0.6–1%) as it contains 9 mg% calcium, 4 mg% phosphorous and 12 mg% iron (Singh et al. 1978). Jagge................................read more

Light golden colour of jaggery is due to

In order to get light coloured jaggery, sulphur dioxide (SO2) is used as juice clarificant(clarifying agent) during its preparation, and that light golden colour jaggery due So2 is injurious to health  and therefore it is advisable to consume jaggery which is darker in colour.

Properties and benefits

• Majjakara – It increases the quantity of marrow,

• Asruk kara – improves blood

• Natishleshma kara – does not increase Kapha to a large extent

• Srushtamutrashakrut – increases volume of urine and faeces

• If it is not prepared properly, it causes intestinal worms, increases chances of Kapha disorder in marrow, blood, fat tissue and muscles.

• Old jaggery is good for heart, and should be consumed. So, jaggery should be at least one year old for its usage.

• Freshly prepared jaggery increases Kapha and causes indigestion.

> Old jaggery :

• Svadutara – much more sweeter than the fresh

• Snigdha – oily, unctuous

• Laghu – lighter to digest, than fresh

• Agnideepana – promotes digestion strength

• Vitshodhaka – cleanses intestines and feces

• Mutrashodhaka- cleanses urinary bladder and urine

• Amashayashodhaka – cleanses stomach

• Ruchya – promotes taste

• Hrudya – good for heart, cardiac tonic

• Pittaghna – balances Pitta

• Vataghna – balances Vata

• Tridoshaghna – Generally good for all the three Doshas

           Click here for more information about Tridoshashas

• Jwarahara – Good for fever (in small quantities only)

• Santapa shantiprada – relieves excess body heat

• Shramahara- reliev................................read more

Jaggery making : 

The juice is extracted from fresh sugarcane. Then it is filtered and boiled in wide, shallow iron pans with continuous stirring and, simultaneously soda or bhindi juice is added in required quantity. 

While boiling, brownish foams come at the top which are continuously removed to get golden yellow/dark black colour color of jaggery. The consistency of the juice becomes thick and then it is poured into the small to medium sized iron cans/mould where blocks of jaggery are formed after cooling.


Jaggery, has a mineral content of approximately 60 times that of refined white sugar. One teaspoon of jaggery contains approximately 4-5 mg calcium, 2-3 mg phosphorus, 8 mg magnesium, 48 mg potassium, 0.5 mg iron, as well as trace amounts of zinc, copper, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. The corresponding values for white sugar are all esse................................read more

Uses benefits and application

1) When some one came from outside, the person should wash off their hands & feet and thereafter he should enter the inside. Then the piece of Jaggery/gud along with cold water is given to the person. This is the old tradition in which is seen in old India. But today such type of tradition is also seen in many villages of India as part of culture.

         - This helps you to cool down and energize  instantly.

2) Jaggery contains mineral and plant ashes. 10 grams jaggery provides only 16 mg magnesium, which is equal to 4% daily magnesium requirement. Magnesium is beneficial for intestinal health. It provides strength to intestines.

            - However, jaggery does not provide much more nutritional benefits, but it has a unique characteristic to make intestines smoother by reducing strain. Thereby, it improves peristaltic movements of intestines, which facilitate the movement of fecal matter. Therefore, it helps in acute as well as chronic constipation. Jaggery can work as detox, so it can help you to cleanse your colon naturally.

3) Healthy jaggery lemon juice : Take a glass of water and add jaggery, lemon and black salt according to your need. With this you also add pinch full of Ginger powder / fresh ginger.  It is the one of the best alternative and nutritive way for energy drinks.

             Click here for more information about Lemon

             Click here to explore more about Black Salt

4) Common cold : Eat Jaggery with dried ginger(Sunthi) and black pepper and you will observe it has similar effects as conventional medications have. You can also add some honey in it for better effect or you should take it with honey instead of jaggery.

            - Mix 1tbsp of Honey with 4 gram of Jaggery, 600mg of ginger and 400 mg of black pepper.

            - Eat it after meal three times a day. It works immediately after eating first dose.

            Click here for more information about Honey

            Click here to explore more about Black Pepper

5) Eating jaggery reduces joint pain and stiffness. These effects are more reported when jaggery is used with dried ginger powder.

                 Click here for more information about Dried Ginger

6) well-known Maharashtrian puran-poli is also made from jaggery because it improves texture and taste. Whereas another well known recipes is aam-panna is also made fom jaggery. In this some neem flowers are also added. Neem flower does not Improves taste but increase Anti-oxidant property and health benefits of this drink. 

           Click here to explore more about Neem

7) Jaggery is a good home remedy for hiccup, but it is used with dried ginger powder.

            - Crush jaggery and mix it with ginger powder. Eat this mixture with warm water to get rid of hiccup.

8) Jaggery is helpful for intestinal gas / Flatulence. For this you just eat jaggery(medium piece/4-6 gram) after meal.

9) Jaggery is a cardio tonic, as per ayurveda, so it is used in heart weakness.

10) Jaggery is a good source of iron, so it helps in anemia.

             - Jaggery also gathers a considerable amount of ferrous salts (iron) during its preparation, as it is prepa................................read more 

Side effects

  1. Avoid taking Radish and Jaggery along with fish - incompatible diet/Virrudha Aahara 
  2.          Click here to explore more about Viruddha Aahara/Incompatible diet
  3. Avoid jaggery in the condition of fever, cold and Cough. Being a natural coolent, it may worsen the respiratory issues.

Note : 

1) Ayurveda specifically advises using the old guda, all where it is used but it becomes difficult to obtained old Guda every time it such a demanding era hence the solution is also stated to used Suryatapiguda( keep  Naveen  Guda  in  high  (Tivra)  sunlight  for  4  Yama  (12  hrs)  before  use,  it  serves  properties  like  Puran Guda) state of old.

2) Almost 20-30% of all-out sugarcane delivered in thenation is utilized for the producti................................read more

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Reference : 

  1. Journal of Food Science and Technology.  Published online 2018 Jun 1.   PMCID: PMC6046027
  2. Nutrients.  Published online 2014 Dec 22.   PMCID: PMC4277009
  3. Food Science & Nutrition.  Published online 2014 May 29..  Published online 2014 May 29.    PMCID: PMC4237481
  4. Ashtanga Hrudaya.
  5. Journal of Food Process and Technology.   ISSN: 2157-7110 JFPT
  6. Dietary Sugar, Salt and Fat in Human Health. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-816918-6.00016-0
  7. Bhaishajya  Ratnavali
  8. Charaka Samhita
  9. Sharangdhar & yogaratankar
  10. Dhanvantari Nighantu 
  11. Kaiyadeva Nighantu 
  12. International Journal of Current Research and  Review   | Vol 12 • Issue 15 • August 2020
  13. Sciencedirect.com 
  14. Journal of Ethnic Foods.   Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2015, Pages 97-109
  15. Dietary Sugar, Salt and Fat in Human Health. 2020, Pages 347-359
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