Nirgundi / Vitex negundo - Health benefits, application, chemical constituents, side effects and many more

 Nirgundi / Vitex negundo 

Nirgundi is a Sanskrit word, which means it protects the body from infections. The botanical name of Nirgundi is Vitex negundo and it belongs to the family Verbenaceae. Owing to wide range of medicinal properties, Nirgundi is very useful herb. It is used for its medicinal values for thousands of years by the people all over the globe. It has cardiotonic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-histaminic, anti-cancerous, anxiolytic, expectorant, carminative, digestive, anodyne, antiseptic, alterant, antipyretic, anti-asthmatic, hepatoprotective properties.

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Vitex negundo Linn. is an aromatic shrub which may grow into a small tree. It is woody and it thrives well in humid places or along the water courses in wastelands. It is also found to grow well in mixed open forests. It is reported to occur in Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia, Eastern Africa and Madagascar. A popular local quote of the Bengalis in the Western Himalayan region of India which translates as - A man cannot die of disease in an area where Vitex negundo Linn.

It has different names in different languages such as English Name(Five Leaved Chaste, Horseshoe vitex, Chinese chaste tree),  Hindi Name(Sambhalu, mewri, Nisinda, Sawbhalu, Nirgundi),  Marathi Name(Ni..............(read more)

Chemical constituents

• Leaves contains an alkaloid nishindine, flavanoids like flavones, luteolin-7, glucoside, casticin, iridioid, glycosides, an essential oil and other constituents like vitamin C, carotene,gluco-nonital, benzoic acid, B-sitosterol, and C-glycoside. Seeds contain hydrocarbons, B-sitosterol and benzoic acid and phthalic acid. Anti-inflammatory diterpene, flavanoids, artemetin and triterpenoids. Fatty acids, B-sitosterol, vannilic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid and luteolin have been isolated from bark. Stem bark yields leucoanthocyanidins. 

• Phytochemical investigation of this plant indicated the presence of monoterpenes agnuside, flavonoids- casticin, chryso-splenol and vitexin, flavonoids (vitexicarpin) also, 5,3’-dihydroxy-3,6,7,4’-tetramethoxyllavone and hydroxy-3,6,7,3’,4’-penta methoxy flavone from the leaves (13). Seeds of Vitex negundo L agorded a new lignan characterized as 6-hydroxy-4-4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl), 3-hydroxymethyl-7-methoxy-3,4-dihydro-2-naphthaldehyde by spectroscopic methods and triterpenoids (betulinic acid and ursolic acid), lignans (negundins, vitedonin), alkaloid (vitrafalal) and diterpene (vitedoin) investigated.

• It also contains the flavonoids casticin, chryso-splenol and vitexin.

• Vitedoin A is phytochemical which is a very strong antioxida..............(read more)

Properties and Benefits

  • Rasa (taste) – Katu (pungent), Tikta (bitter)
  • Guna (qualities) – Laghu (lightness), Rooksha (dryness)
  • Taste conversation after digestion – Katu(pungent)
  • Veerya (potency) – Ushna (hot 🔥)
  • Effect on Tridosha – Balances Vata and Kapha.
  • Benefits
  •          Click here for more information about Tridosha
  • Krumi – useful in intestinal worm infestation
  • Medohara – useful against cholesterol
  • Vranahara – heals wounds faster
  • Vranakurmi here – cleanses wounds
  • Keshya – improves hair quality
  • Vishapaha — anti toxic, anti poisonous
  • Shulahara – useful in abdominal colic, anti spasmoidic
  • Gulma – useful in abdominal tumor
  • Aruchi – useful in anorexia
  • Medhya – improves intelligence, relieves anxiety
  • Netrahita, Chakshushya – good for eyes,
  • Deepani – carminative
  • Amahara – useful in Ama (a product of altered digestion and metabolism)
  • Pratishyaya – usefu

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Uses benefits and application

Uses benefits and application

1) The leaves are made into paste, heated a touch and applied externally to alleviate headache, orchitis (swelling in testicles), rheumatoid and osteo arthritis.

2) Leaves also possess anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic, hepato-protective, CNS depressant properties and also used for their snake venom neutralizing properties.

            - Oil of Vitex negundo prevented carrageen induced inflammation via COX-2 inhibition, this means that its leaf oil possesses potent anti-inflammatory property and acts via the inhibition of COX-2 receptor without interfering COX-1 inhibition.

3) Nirgundi oil is prepared with sesame oil, which is used in wound healing and grey hairs.

          Click here for more information about Sesame oil

4) Herbal shoes prepared from nirgundi wood are reported to be effective in the treatment of rheumatism, and the practice is popular in parts of Chhattisgarh.

5) For Burning urination and kidney stone : About two spoon root extract dissolved in tender coconut water is used twice a day for a week.

           Click here for more information about Coconut water

6) Pain in muscles : Leaves are smeared with mustard oil, heated and applied on affected area.

           Click here for more information about Mustard oil

7) Flowers of these plant are used for their febrifuge(relieve fever) and astringent properties. Fruits of the plant possess vermifuge and emmenagogue properties. They also act as nervine tonics. Seeds of Vitex negundo possess antitoxin properties. Oil of the seeds is used in scrofulous sores and to the sinus. Roots of the plant are diuretic, expectorant and febrifuge and are also used as tonic. Whole plant possesses analgesic, anti-gastalgic, anti-parasitic and anti-flatulant activities. It is also used for its emmenagogue and galactogogue properties.

8) Lokopakara(ancient text on indian agriculture) refers to the cure of fever of cows with a decoction of nirgundi and neem leaves. Ground leaves of nirgundi, Leucas aspera, bottle gourd, madar, mustard, betel pepper, and lime, made into a gruel after stirring along with sesame oil and administered orally cures ninety-six types of cattle diseases. (For more information about veterinary use of Nirgundi refer the Lokopakara book).

            Click here for more information about Bottle gourd

Click here for more Home remedies about Nirgundi


9) The shrub can be used for forestation, especially for reclamation of forestlands which are affected by floods. Because its roots are str............(read more)

Further read on following link

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Reference : 

1) Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research (IJAPR) | February 2020 | Vol 8 | Issue 2

2) Dravyaguna Vijyan, Vol. II

3) Ayu. 2010 Oct-Dec; 31(4): 456–460. PMCID: PMC3202251

4) Ancient Science of Life | Vol : XXIII(1) July, August, September 2003

5) Ayu. 2011 Apr-Jun; 32(2): 207–212. PMCID: PMC3296342

6) Indian J Pharm Sci. 2008 Nov-Dec; 70(6): 838–840. PMCID: PMC3040892

7) Bioinformation. 2011; 7(4): 199–206 | Published online 2011 Oct 14. | PMCID: PMC3218522

8) Lokopakara(ancient text on indian agriculture)

9) Asian Agri-History Vol. 19, No. 1, 2015 

10) Caraka samhita

11) Sushruta samhita

12) Local tradition and knowledge

13) International Journal of Health Sciences & Research | Vol.9; Issue: 8; August 2019

14) NCBI


16) World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Vol 8, Issue 7, 2019.

17) Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics Volume - 6, Issue - 3, Year - 2014 | ISSN 2321-5836

18) Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2018; SP1: 2147-2151

19) Pharmacologyonline 1: 286-302 (2009)

20) Bhojana Kutuhalam

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