Ghee/Clarified butter - Health benefits application chemical constituents side effects and many more


 Ghee/Clarified butter 

Ghee is obtained from butter. Ghee is one of most delicious aroma of Indian food. It is widely used in Indian cooking . Ghee is widely used in food because it is most delicious aroma having lot of health benefits. Ayurveda considers pure ghee to be sāttvik or sattva-guṇi (in the "mode of goodness").
Ghee, the golden elixir of Ayurveda is an oil with a long and interesting history. 

Ghee is considered as very pure and auspicious. In Hindu religion, while serving food, a little ghee is sprinkled over the food, more

A tablespoon of ghee also has 45 milligrams of cholesterol, or 15% of the more

Why is it good to eat ghee every day?

Increases resistance against seasonal allergies and common ailments:

While ghee is rich in healthy fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, it is also rich in antioxidants. It increases the body's resistance against various infections and diseases by boosting the immune system.

Goodness of ghee:

1. Nutritional value: Ghee is loaded with essential fat-soluble vitamins A,D,E and K. ghee helps your body to absorb fat-soluble minerals and vitamins from other foods.

2. skin and hair: The essential fatty acids in ghee acts as a nourishing agent, which nourishes the dry skin. Eating ghee daily helps to moisturize the skin and make it soft, smoothy and flexible.
     - Eating ghee daily is usefull for hair also: it reduces scalp (dandruff) from the hair and promotes the growth of hair
     - Tip: it acts as a natural skin moisturizer, if used daily. It can be applied over the face, left for 10 minutes, washed with warm water.

3. Boost fertility: An optimal fertility diet should contain good quality protein sources and good fats. Pure ghee is the best form of fat. It increases quality and quantity of semen.

4. Stimulates the digestive system: Ghee intensifies the secretion of stomach acids to help in digestion, while other fats and oils, might slow down the more

How much ghee should you eat per day?

Healthy people should have 3 teaspoons (15g / 1 tablespoon) of desi ghee per day to get all its advantages. However, one teaspoon of pure ghee, thrice a day is best.

Ghee consists entirely of fat, hence, even though it might be a 'healthy' saturated fat, it’s not healthy to eat in large amounts.

When to eat ghee :

Ghee balances Pitta Dosha very well. Consider Pitta as fire element in the body. If we divide the day into three parts, afternoon is the time in which Pitta is highly aggravated, because, temperature hits the maximum in the afternoon. Hence, ghee with lunch is the best time to take.
Taking ghee in the afternoon is ideal especially during summer and in autumn seasons. During summer, ghee is good to calm the ex more

Uses, Remedies, Benefits and Application

1) Having a teaspoon of ghee before food in the morning relieves pain in the bladder region.

2) To relieve dryness of palate and oral cavity, Amla powder and raisins are mixed with ghee and kept inside mouth for a few minutes.

3) Haritaki powder is consumed with ghee to relieve burning sensation. 

4) Triphala decoction added with ghee and sugar is useful in the treatment of anemia. 

10) Half a cup of ghee with a teaspoon of turmeric powder and 2 teaspoon of neem – this paste is applied locally for quick healing of wounds and abscesses.

11) In children, while doing ear lobe puncturing, ghee is applied first, to reduce pain & irritation and to ease piercing.

12) For people seeking sound sleep, a cup of warm milk with ghee is good to take at night, before or after food.
                 Click here to explore more about Milk

13) Shata Dhauta ghrita : Procedure used to wash ghee with water.
  • In pregnant woman, a special processed ghee is used to apply around the umbilical area.
  • Ghee is used for application over wounds and burns to reduce the heat and calm Pitta.
  • Ghee is applied over lips to heal the seasonal cracked lips.
  • It is also useful for more

Note :

  • Ghee contains a fatty acid (butyrate), which developes the body’s immune system.
  • It is enriched with anti-viral properties.
  • It improves digestion (makes digestive system healthy).
  • It helps to improve immune system(by increasing production of T-cell which fight with microbes or disease causing agent) and brain functioning.
  • Ghee is an ideal fat for deep frying, because of its high smoke point
  •             - It is stable fat for cooking (because, at high temperature it does not break into free radicals)
  • Ghee also hleps to reduce intestinal disorders like Crohn’s disease.
  • Lauric acid in ghee contains antimicrobial and antifungal property


Some ayurvedic benefits of old ghee:

1) There is no disease which cannot be cured by the ghee which is one hundred years old.
Even the look, touch and smell of this 100 years old ghee is especially useful in curing Apasmara (epilepsy), Graha (demoniac seizures) and Unmada(insanity).

2) There are 3 types of old ghee
        • 10 yr old
        • 100 yr old
        • 111yr old 
     -  it is believed that all this different types of ghee are beneficial for different types of diseases and with this it more

Intake of ghee according to Doshas

1) For pitta dosha
As the ghee is very good for pitta dosha, it is not adviced to mix with anything.

2) For kapha dosha
For kapha mixing it with Trikatu Churnag( pepper and long pepper ).

3) For vata dosha
Sweet, salty and sour substances balance vata. Therefore it is taken by mixing with salt.       

Side effects

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  8. Ashtanga Hrudaya
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  11. Sharangdhara Samhita 
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