Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri/ waterhyssop) - Health benefits, application, chemical constituents, side effects and many more


  Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri/ waterhyssop)

As very few people know the medicinal plant called brahmi(Bacopa monnieri). It is mostly used in Ayurvedic traditional medicine to improve memory and to treat various ailments such as reducing anxiety, treating epilepsy, etc. Brahmi is a perennial, creeping herb native to the wetlands(grows in marshy areas) of southern and Eastern India, Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, and North and South America. There is no herb that can improve intelligence naturally, better than this. it is also an excellent anti aging, anti diabetic and Antioxidant herb.   


Brahmi is one of the rare Ayurvedic herbs which can be grown almost anywhere when provided ample hydration and is widely available. It has been used for centuries in various forms and its advantages are supported by a vast body of literature and experience. Interestingly, the whole plant can be used for medicinal purposes. Ayurveda is the complete knowledge of life. Brahmi helps to achieve the primary goal of Ayurveda which is to prevent and treat illnesses and enhance lifespan by maintaining proper balance between the body, mind and the soul. 

According to Hindu religion Brahmi derives its name from Lord “Brahma”, the god of creation. Brahman is the universal or God consciousness, and Brahmi, literally means the energy manifested in Lord Brahma.

This tiny but potent Brahmi occupies a place of pride in AYUSH systems of alternative medicine as one of the most revered and widely used herbs in more

Phytochemistry of brahmi

Studies have shown that the herb contains many active constituents, including a number of alkaloids, saponins, however, the major constituents are the steroidal saponins, Bacosides A and B. It also contain Ascorbic acid, nicotinic more

Chemical groupsContents
SaponinsBacoside A, bacoside B, bacopasaponins, D-mannitol, acid A, monnierin
FlavonoidsApigenin, luteonin
AlkaloidsBrahmine, herpestine, hydrocotyline
GlycosidesAsiaticoside, thanakunicide
PhytochemicalsBetulinic acid, betulic acid, wogonin, oroxindin, stigmastarol, β-sitosterol
SapogeninJujubacogenin, pseudojujubacogenin
Other constituentsBrahmic acid, brahamoside, brahminoside, isobrahmic acid
• vitamins and minerals content
ComponentAmount (per 100 gram)
Moisture88.4 gram
Protein2.1 gram
Fat0.6 gram
Carbohydrates5.9 gram
Crude fiber1.05 gram
Ash1.9 gram
Calcium202 mg
Phosphorus16 mg
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)63 mg
Nicotinic acid0.3 mg
Iron7.8 mg
Energy38 cal

Properties and benefits of Brahmi
•Rasa (taste) – Tikta – Bitter, Kashaya (astringent)
•Guna (qualities) – Laghu (light to digest)
•Taste conversion after digestion – Madhur(sweet)
•Veerya – Sheeta – cold in potency
•Effect on Tridosha – Balances Kapha and Vata.
•Prabhava – Medhya (improves intelligence)   

>Benefits of Brahmi
•Shophahara – good anti inflammatory herb
•Panduhara – useful in anemia
•Jvarahara – useful in fever
•Deepani – improves digestion power
•Kushtahara – useful in skin diseases.
•Kandughna – relieves itching, useful in pruritis
•Pleeha – useful in spleen disorders
•Vayasa sthapani, Ayushya – improves life quality, anti aging
•Unmada vinashini – useful in psychiatric disorders
•Medha – improves intelligence
•Vak – improves speech, helps in speech related development problems in children.
•Svarya, Svarada – improves quality of voice
•Hrudya – good for heart, acts as cardiac tonic
•Shvasahara – useful in asthma, chronic bronchial disorders
•Meha – useful in urinary tract disorders and diabetes
•Diabetes – Brahmi is very useful in reducing blood sugar levels. Due to its anti oxidant property, it is also useful in improving the cell and tissue health in diabetic patients.

Different ayurvedic intake and application

1) Its paste is put on a hot pan, heated to a little higher temperature and applied over chest of children to relieve chronic cough and asthma.

2) In case of fever due to Vata and Kapha imbalance, it is heated along with onion, tied in a pocket and heat is applied over chest.

3) Dosage:
       - Fresh juice of Brahmi – 10-20 ml,
       - Brahmi powder – 2 – 3 grams in divided dose per day, is the adult dose.

4) Bacopa monneira is extensively used in treating Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disoreder (ADHD) in children.

5) Brahmi with milk : 
As a Brahmi and is a coolant/cooling in nature, Taking Brahmi with cold milk will increase the coldness in the body. This combination is ideal for Pitta body type people, who feel hot all the time. But for Kapha and Vata dominant persons, Brahmi with hot milk is more suited. The hotness of the hot milk slightly decreases the natural coldness of the milk.

6) Brahmi for children :
Bacopa monnieri is not usually administered directly in children. It is administered in the form of a soothing polyherbal combination such as –

Research on nootropic effects of brahmi

Extracts of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) have been extensively investigated for their neuropharmacological effects. There are some  compounds  such  as  Saponins  and  their  bacosides present in Brahmi, which are responsible to enhance the nerve impulse  transmission.  The  bacosides  aid  in  repair  of damaged neurons by enhancing kinase activity, neuronal  synthesis, and more

Side effects : 
  • It is good avoided in bradycardia.
  • As it acts as Deepana – digestive, it may not be tolerated well with people with sensitive stomach or ulcersa more

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Refrance : 

1) Dravyaguna Vijnana, Vol. II
3) Bhojana Kutuhalam
6) for chronic effects of brahmi on human memory
7) charak and Sushruta samhita
8) journal of pharmacognosy and phytochemistry
9) international journal of Ayurveda 2013
11) AYU (An international quarterly journal of research in Ayurveda)
12) Wikipedia
14) Bhojana Kutuhalam
15) Bhavaprakasha Nighantu
16) Dhanwantari Nighantu

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