Flaxseed/Alasi/Javas - Health benefits, application, chemical constituents, side effects and many more


Flaxseed is emerging as an important functional food ingredient because of its rich contents of α-linolenic acid (ALA, omega-3 fatty acid), lignans, and fiber. Flaxseed oil, fibers and flax lignans have potential health benefits such as in reduction of cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis, autoimmune and neurological disorders. Flax (Linum usitassimum) belonging to family Lineaceae, is a blue flowering annual herb that produces small flat seeds varying from golden yellow to reddish brown color. Flaxseed possesses crispy texture and nutty taste. Flaxseed was native of India and was a staple food crop. 

India ranks first among the leading flaxseed producing countries in terms of acreage accounting 23.8 % of the total and third in production contributing to 10.2 % of the world’s production. In India flaxseed is mainly cultivated in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chattisgarh and Bihar. 

It shows Antioxidant, Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Expectorant, Hypocholesterolemic, Antiplatelet, anticancer, Anti-tussive,Cardio tonic, Digestive, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, Emollient,, Galactagogue, Hypoglycemic, Laxative and Lipolytic properties.

            Click here for more information about Antioxidants and Free radicals

It has different names in different languages such as Hindi name(Alasi, Alsi, teesi, tisi),  Marathi name(Javas),  English name(Linseed or Fl.................read more

Part of plant used

Seed, oil, flower

Vitamin and Mineral content

Vitamins : B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C

Minerals : calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, zinc

Flax seeds are 7% water, 18% protein, 29% carbohydrates, and 42% fat. 

In 100 grams(as a reference amount), flax seeds provide 534 calories and contain high levels (20% or more of the Daily Value) of protein, dietary fiber, several B vitamins, and dietary minerals. Flax seeds are especially rich in thiamine, magnesium, and phosphorus.

As a percentage of total fat, flax seeds contain 54% omega-3 fatty acids (mostly ALA), 18% omega-9 fatty acids (oleic acid), and 6% omega-6 fatty acids (linoleic acid); the seeds contain 9% saturated fat, including 5% as palmitic acid.

Flaxseed is a rich source of the omega-3 fatty acid, alpha linolenic acid, the lignan secoisolariciresinol diglucoside and fiber. These compounds provide bioactivity of value to the health of animals and humans through their anti-inflammatory action, anti-oxidative capacity and lipid modulating properties.

The antioxidant content in flaxseed, provided in turn by its secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG) content, is of great value in curtailing any oxidation process.

Flaxseed oil constitutes 98 % triacylglycerol, phospholipids and 0.1 % free fatty acids (Mueller et al. 2010). On an average it contains 21 % protein. Majority of the protein is concentrated in the cotyledons. Major protein fractions are globulin (26–58 %) and albumin (20–42 %). Flaxseed protein is rich in arginine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid, while lysine is limiting. High cysteine and methionine contents improve the antioxidant levels.

Fkaxseeds have three different types of phenolic compounds–phenolic acids, flavonoids and lignans. Major phenolic acids present in defatted flaxseed are ferulic acid (10.9 mg/g), chlorogenic acid (7.5 mg/g), gallic acid (2.8 mg/g). Other phenolic acids include p-coumaric aci.................read more

Properties and Benefits

  • Rasa- Madhura(Sweet), Tikta(Bitter)
  • Guna (qualities) – Guru (heaviness), Snigdha, Picchila(Sticky/Slimy)
  • Taste conversation after digestion – Katu(pungent)
  • Veerya(Potency) – Ushna(Hot)
  • Effect on Tridosha – Balances Vata Dosha, Increases Kapha and Pitta Dosha. 
  •           Click here for more information about Tridosha (vata-Kapha-Pitta)

  • Flaxseed :

  • Druk Ghni – not good for eyes
  • Shukraghni – reduces sperm / semen
  • Vataghni – useful in treating disorders of Vata Dosha imbalance  such as neuralgia, paralysis, constipation, bloating, etc
  • Raktapitta Prakopana – not ideal in bleeding disorders such as nasal bleeding, heavy periods

  • Flaxseed oil :

  • Taste – Madhura(sweet)
  • Qualities –Teekshna(strong, piercing), Laghu(light to digest)
  • Sara – induces mobility, causes diarrhoea, purgation, relieves constipation
  • Agneya – hot
  • Achakshushya – not g.................read more

Uses Remedies Benefits and Application

1) Flaxseed is establishing importance in the world’s food chain as a functional food. Functional food can be defined as the food or food ingredients that may provide physiological benefits and helps in preventing and/or curing of diseases.

2) Flax is also grown as an ornamental plant in gardens. Moreover, flax fibers are used to make linen.

            - Flax fibers taken from the stem of the plant are two to three times as strong as cotton fibers but bless elastic. Additionally, flax fibers are naturally smooth, lustrous, flexible and straight. Europe and North America both depended on flax for plant-based cloth until the 19th century, when cotton overtook flax as the most common plant for making rag-based paper.

3) 1-2 teaspoons of Atasi seeds are soaked in a cup of water for overnight. Next day it is macerated well and filtered. This is consumed before food for the treatment of burning urination.

4) As It is high in protein, it help in strengthening of the nerves and building the muscles. It is also found to be beneficial for the proper functioning of the heart, brain, skin, and reproductive system.

             - Flax fiber is also a raw material for the high-quality paper industry for the use of printed banknotes and rolling paper for cigarettes and tea bags.

5) Early in the morning 2-3 ml linseed oil is added to a cup of warm water and taken in empty stomach.This helps to reduce the total cholesterol, and to reduce the mass in case of obesity.

                Click here for more information about Warm water

6) Four common forms of flaxseed available for human consumption include whole flaxseed, ground flaxseed, flaxseed oil and partially defatted flaxseed meal. A new form available in the marketplace is flax milk. An alternative to “milks” like almond milk, flax milk is finely milled flaxseed mixed with filtered water and other minor compounds. 

              - Flax milk is high in ALA and is an excellent alternative to dairy milk, as it has no cholesterol or lactose. It is suitable for people allergic to soy, nuts and gluten, and it contains more health benefits than almond milk.

               Click here for more information about Almond

7) For piles - as it contains fibers and natural oil too, it helps to reduce muscle strain and also heal the affected skin.

8) Equal amount of seeds of Linseed, cumin and fenugreek are taken to make fine powder. This powder is mixed properly and taken twice a day in the dose of 5 gram along with milk.This improves lactation/Brest milk.

              Click here for more information about Fenugreek Seed

             Click here for more information about Cumin

9) Flax seeds help to decrease the symptoms of menopausal and hormonal imbalance.

10) 2 – 3 fresh flowers are collected and added with a pinch of salt(Sendha Namak) it is made into fine paste. This is applied around the throat. This pacifies throat pain in significant way.

                Click here for more information about Sendha Namak

11) Fresh, mature flax leaves are crushed to obtain fresh juice. In case of emergency, as a first aid this is applied over the wasp sting area. This quickly relieves burning sensation and pain.

12) As a functional food ingredient, flax or flaxseed oil has been incorporated into baked foods, juices, milk and dairy products, muffins, dry pasta products, macaroni and meat products. 

13) Flaxseed has been described as possessing a “nice nutty smell and aroma”, and is potentially ideal for the incorporation into a variety of foods. 

14) Flax seed spro.................read more

Side effects : 

  1. Flax seeds when consumed in excess can have a few side effects, which are minor such as nausea, stoml.................read more

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Reference :

  1. Nutrients. 2019 May; 11(5): 1171.  Published online 2019 May 25. PMCID: PMC6567199
  2. J Food Sci Technol. 2015 Apr; 52(4): 1857–1871.   Published online 2014 Feb 28.   PMCID: PMC4375225
  3. J Food Sci Technol. 2014 Sep; 51(9): 1633–1653.  Published online 2014 Jan 10. PMCID: PMC4152533
  4. Kaiyadeva Nighantu 
  5. Can J Cardiol. 2010 Nov; 26(9): 489–496.  PMCID: PMC2989356
  6. Clin Nutr Res. 2020 Jan; 9(1): 63–72.  Published online 2020 Jan 29. PMCID: PMC7015724
  7. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 May 1.   PMCID: PMC4821676
  8. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2021 May; 24(5): 551–560.  PMCID: PMC8244609
  9. Bhanprakash Nighantu
  10. Austin Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences
  11. NCBI
  12. PUBMED
  13. Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Volume 51, 2006, Pages 1-97
  14. Dhanvantari Nighantu 
  15. Bhojana Kutuhalam
  16. Local tradition and Knowledge
  17. Research in Environment and Life Science.  ISSN:  0974;  9(3) 310-316 (2016
  18. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, 2017, Vol. 3, Issue 8, 37-39 
  19. Trends in Food Science & Technology ; Volume 38, Issue 1, July 2014, Pages 5-20


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