Elephant Yam/Suran - Health benefits, application, chemical constituents, side effects and many more


Elephant Yam/Suran

It has a good source of protein as well as starch and is very popular as a vegetable in various Indian cuisines. In India, it is cultivated in Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Gujarat, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, and Jharkhand. The elephant-foot yam is widely used in Indian medicine and is recommended as a remedy in all three of the major Indian medicinal systems: Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani.

Elephant Foot yam has proven to possess immensely high amount of nutritional benefits as well as therapeutic properties. Being a rich source of dietary fiber and having low glycemic index makes it a rich food for treatment of heart ailments as well as diabetes. It is also shown to have high amount of omega fatty acids which regulates the good cholesterol level in the body. It is low in fat and is only shown to have the essential fatty acids thus helps in reducing the risks of obesity and diseases associated with it.

IndianYam also proves to have laxative properties thus helps in curing constipation as well as used in the treatment of piles. Besides it also has significant amount of minerals and vitamins but is free of any heavy metals. Most importantly it has proved to have high amount of antimicrobial activity which makes it a curative crop. 

Tubers of elephant foot yam are anodyne, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-haemorrhoidal, haemostatic, expectorant, CNS depressant, carminative, digestive, analgesic,  appetizer, stomachic, anthelmintic, liver tonic, aphrodisiac, emmenagogue, rejuvenating and tonic.

                    Click here for more information about Antioxidants and Free radicals

It has different names in different languages such as Hindi name(Suran, Jamikand, Surankand, Suran Kand),  Marathi name(Su................read more

Phytochemical constituents

Amorphophallus is a good source of energy, sugar, starch, proteins as well as minerals Average nutritional profile contains Starch (11-28%), sugar (0.7-1.7%), protein (0.8-2.60%), fat (0.07-0.40%)mean energy value (236-566.70KJ/100g). The most abundant macro mineral is potassium (327.83 mg/100 g) Phosphorus (166.91 mg/100 g), calcium (161.08 mg/100 g) and iron (3.43 mg/100 g). Macro mineral and soluble oxalate ranges between different varieties :K (230-417mg/100g)P(120-247 mg/100g) Ca (131-247 mg/100g) Fe(1.97-5.56 mg/100g) Mn (0.19-.65mg/100 g) Zn(1.2-1.92 mg/100 g) Soluble oxalate(6.65-18.50 mg/100g). The mean soluble oxalate content (13.53 mg/100 g) was safe from the viewpoint of accumulation of urinary oxalate leading to kidney stones

Qualitative assay of different solvent extracts of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius was carried out for the presence of phyto.................read more

Properties and Benefits

Uses, Remedies, Benefits and Application

1) It is not only used as vegetables but recently several value added products like Pickles, dried cubes. Chips, thickening agents etc are also made and they are gaining popularity.

2) Preparation of osmodehydrated slices from fresh corm, and bread from flour of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius corm which is a good source of both carbohydrate and protein. It is reported that Amorphophallus corm flour (20 %) could substitute wheat flour in bread preparation.

             - The wheat Amorphophallus composite bread in addition showed high content of calcium and dietary fibre 1158.42 mg/100g, 2.49 mg/100g respectively.

2) In case of fatty liver,  elephant foot tuber powder is administered in the dose of 3-5 gram along with honey or jaggery/palm jaggery.

           Click here for more information about Honey

            Click here for more information about Jaggery

3) The fiber contents of elephant foot yam are great supplements for probiotics. It not only cleanses toxins and pathogens out of the body, but also builds up good bacteria to improve immunity. Elephant foot yam is also said to be possessing antibacterial agents which help in keeping away infections. It also shows extensive cytotoxic and immunomodulatory activity.

4) The Surana Kanda – 100 grams is boiled with 2 cups of buttermilk and 2 cups of tamarind juice along with 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder. This is consumed in a dose of 2 – 3 grams, once or twice a day, before food for 4 – 6 weeks for the treatment of BPH (prostate enlargement).

             Click here for more information about Tamarind

             Click here for more information about Turmeric

5) It is said to be useful in the treatment of irregular bowel movement, especially in case of constipation. Elephant foot yam is also helpful in treating diarrhea, dysentery and maintains a good health across the gastrointestinal tract by supplementing probiotics.

       - The juice of surana kanda is consumed in a dose of 10 ml to treat piles, intestinal worms, indigestion and hepatomegaly.

       - Tuber of Amorphophallus campanulatus is boiled and consumed in a dose of 15 – 20 g to treat amenorrhea.

6) The tuber or surana is burnt and then mixed with ghee and jaggery. Its paste destroys tumour. 

               Click here for more information about Ghee

7) Tuber of surana is made into paste after adding with ghee and applied over the leg affected with elephantiasis and swelling of the joint.


8) Valmikasleepada – The paste of Surana tuber mixed with honey and ghee is applied to alleviate valmika and filariasis.

                Click here for more information about Honey

9) Surana is antihelmintic aromatic and carminative. It is used in abdominal diseases liver and spleen  diseases and Piles. It's tuber pasted with earth should be cooked by closed heating. Then it should be taken with oil and salt. It destroys huemorrhoids.

10) In case of rheumatoid arthritis, fine paste is made with ginger juice and applied. 

                 Click here for more information about  Ginger

11) Obese people who cannot control hunger,  use this vegetable in their diet.

12) Suran Kand tubers are cooked well and as per ones need with  tamarind, turmeric powder and salt. Whenever one feels hun.................read more


  • Elephant Yam Snacks : Tuber of Elephant foot is taken and outer skin is removed. This is made into thin slices and dipped in buttermilk for a while so as to reduce its irritating nature. This is allowed for drying. These slices are dipped in the solution made up of sesame powder, asafoetida, cumin seeds and rock salt. The slices are fried in oil or ghee and served.
  • In Indian state of West Bengal, Assam and in neighbouring country Bangladesh, It is usually eaten as mashed or fried or added to curries and, more rarely used in pickle or to make Ol chips. In some households, the green leaves and stems are also cooked as green vegetables
  • In Bihar, it is used in oal curry (i.e. Elephant Foot curry), oal bharta or chokha, pickles and chutney. Oal chutney is also called Barabar chutney as it has mango, gin................read more

Note : 

Side effects

  • The tuber can cause throat irritation, oral ulcer and dryness of the throat. To reduce or prevent these adverse effects, it is necessary that the tuber should be cut and bo................read more

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1) Bhavaprakasha Nighantu

2) PLoS One. 2017; 12(6): e0180000.    Published online 2017 Jun 28.   PMCID: PMC5489206

3) Ayu. 2012 Jan-Mar; 33(1): 27–32.  PMCID: PMC3456858

4) J Food Sci Technol. 2017 Jun; 54(7): 2085–2093.    PMCID: PMC5495737

5) Susratha Samhitha

6) Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 24(1), Jan – Feb 2014; nᵒ 11, 55-60

7) IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT).  Volume 9, Issue 5 Ver. I (May. 2015), PP 07-10.    ISSN: 2319-2399

8) Chem Sci Rev Lett 2018, 7(25), 19-24

9) Kaiyyadeva Nighantu

10) NCBI


13) sharagandhara samhitha

14) Dhanvanthari nighantu


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