what does ayurveda say about meat eating?


Like plants and grains, Ayurveda accepts meat also as a form of food. Emphasizing upon this, the ancient Ayurvedic master Charaka says that no other food excels meat in producing nourishing effects in the body (mamsam brimhananam).

Ayurveda also gives detailed explanations on meat in eight different categories which include animals, birds and fish. These are the eight categories of non-vegetarian food mentioned in the ancient classical texts.

  1. Prasaha (animals and birds who eat by snatching)
  2. Bhumisaya (animals who live in burrows in the earth)
  3. Anupa (anim..............read more

The concept of a vegetarian diet: 

In Vedas and Puranas, there is mention of non vegetarian diet and its qualities etc. The famous “Vatapi Jeerno bhava”  incident in Agastya Maharishi is a classical example for the prevalence of non vegetarian diet in those times.

The Hindus adopted a total vegetarian system after Buddhism spread across India. It is a classical nature of the Hindus to be flexible and to adopt any good thing from any other religion.

Properties Of Meat

The classical texts give numerous elaborate descriptions of the properties of various meats, especially their Vata-reducing properties.

  • Those such as peacock for example were commonly used for improving the eyes, voice, intellectual capabilities, complexion, hearing and more, and were commonly used.
  • Goat meat was also well-known for bulking the tissues and often used as a meat-soup or even a basti (Ayurvedic enema). Goat and mutton are said to be strengthening or tonifying for the body, and so they are good for Vata people and those with severe debilitated conditions.2 Goat also does not cause malas or waste material in the body.3
  • Beef is said to cure dry cough, exhaustion, chronic nasal catarrh, emaciation and excess hunger.4
  • Charaka says that fish is in general heavy, hot in potency, sw..............read more

Type Of Meat Plus Nutritional And Medicinal Benefits


Mutton is homologous with the dhatus (body tissues), it is anabhishyandi (does not obstruct the bodily channels) and is nourishing.


Chicken is an aphrodisiac and is nourishing. It clarifies the voice, promotes strength and produces sweating.


Beef is beneficial for exclusive vitiation of Vata, rhinitis, irregular fever, dry cough, fatigue, atyagni (increased appetite) and wasting of muscles.


Fish is strength promoting, nourishing, unctuous and aphrodisiac. It causes skin diseases and is not recommended for daily use.


Lamb is a vermifuge and tonic. It improves intellect, digestion and is a laxative.

What To Eat On A Daily Basis

Keep in mind that Ayurveda doesn’t recommend the intake of certain types of meat on a daily basis. There is a detailed list of food materials that should or should not be included in the diet on a daily basis.

Food For Regular Use

  1. Ghee
  2. Honey
  3. Indian Goose Berry
  4. Fruits like grapes, pomegranate, et cetera
  5. Rice
  6. Barley
  7. Immature Radish
  8. Chebulic Fruit
  9. Leafy Vegetables
  10. Meat of animals in arid or dry land

In short, dishes that are capable of promoting health and curing diseases are suitable for regular use.

What Not To Eat On A Daily Basis

Undesirable Food For Regular Use

  1. Cheese
  2. Yogurt
  3. Alkaline preparations like vinegar
  4. Sprouted seeds
  5. Black gram
  6. Dried meat
  7. Molasses
  8. Tuberous roots
  9. Sweets prepared by grinding cereals
  10. Uncooked radish

This list of undesirable food materials is not because of any religious or spiritual reasons. It is because too much of these substances can result in health problems.

Meat During Ayurvedic Treatment

Another popular misbelief is that you are not supposed to take meat items while undergoing Ayurveda treatments or when having Ayurveda medicines. The truth is that Ayurveda does advise certain pathya-apathya (wholesome and unwholesome foods and regimen) depending on the nature of the disease. This pathya and apathya are not for the medicines. There are certain disease co...............read more

Meat soup is an Ayurvedic remedy. Ayurveda is not, as commonly thought, vegetarian or vegan.

When To Eat Meat

Another common doubt is whether there is a particular time of the day to eat meat. It is ideal to have meat at mid-day because your digestive fire will be highest during that time. Cook meat properly with clarified butter, curd, sour gruel (Kanjika), acid fruits like pomegranate, and pungent and aromatic condiments like black pepper. Me...............read more

Meat Preparations

Varieties of cooked meat are also mentioned in the Ayurvedic classics.

  • Ullupta (minced meat)
  • Bharjita (fried)
  • Pishta (made into balls or cakes)
  • Pratapta (roasted with clarified butter over a charcoal fire)
  • Kandupachita (dipped in mustard oil and powdered aromatic condiments and roasted to a honey color over a charcoal fire.

In addition, the benefits of thin meat soup have also been described in detail.

A thin meat so...............read more

Eggs And Ayurveda

Ayurveda gives an explanation of different types of eggs in the classical texts. Ducks, poultry and quail eggs are effectively used as medicine in various diseases like decreased sperm count, chronic cough, Tuberculosis, heart diseases and more. Eggs are also said to improve growth and development in children.

Modern medicine explains that an egg has 9 essential fatty acids along with omega 3 fatty acids. A large egg contains over six grams of protein. It has 4.5 grams of fat which is only 7 percent of the d...............read more

Fish In Ayurveda

Ayurveda also has explanations and details on consuming fish.

Eating fish improves strength and helps in gaining weight. It is Vata pacifying in nature and can be consumed in diseases occurring due to aggravated Vata. It also increases Kapha, due to which fish is not advised for daily use.

Acharya Susruta, the ancient Ayurvedic author and father of surgery, explains in detail about the quality of fish residing in ponds, lakes, streams and rivers. Ayurveda prefers small fish varieties over larger ones. Small fishes like anchovy are light for digestion, provide instant energy, are delicious and pacify all the three doshas.

Fish is a low-fat, high-quality protein. Fish is filled with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins such as D and B2 (riboflavin). Fish is rich in calcium and phosphorus and a great source of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine, mag...............read more

Health Tips For Meat Consumption

Keep in mind the following things when you consume meat.

  • Do not consume meat on a daily basis. Instead have it moderately, and have more in winter season when you have a strong digestive power.
  • Keep in mind your digestive power and constitution while consuming meat. A Kapha predominant person must consume less meat compared to a Vata predominant person.
  • If you consume meat, make sure you exercise to keep the body healthy and fit.
  • Along with meat, include vegetables and grains in your di..............read more


  • Ayurveda does not say that one should follow total vegetarianism.
  • A non vegetarian diet has its own medicinal significance in Ayurveda.
  • It does not mean that everybody should have a non vegetarian di..............read more

Further read on following link

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1) Ashtanga Hridayam
2) Charaka Samhita
3) theayurveda experience
5) easyayurveda
6) Front Public Health. Published online 2016 Mar 31.  PMCID: PMC4815005
7) Sceiendirecr.com
8) Medicina (Kaunas). 2021 Sep; 57(9): 858.   PMCID: PMC8471560
10) Glob Adv Health Med. 2014 Nov; 3(6): 56–72.   PMCID: PMC4268644


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