Poppy seeds/Khas Khas - Health benefits, application, chemical constituents, side effects and many more


Poppy seeds/Khas Khas

Poppy seed is an oilseed obtained from the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). The tiny, kidney-shaped seeds have been harvested from dried seed pods by various civilizations for thousands of years. It is still widely used in many countries, especially in Central Europe and South Asia, where it is legally grown and sold in shops. The seeds are used whole or ground into meal as an ingredient in many foods – especially in pastry and bread – and they are pressed to yield poppyseed oil.

It is originally a native of the warmer parts of Western Asia from where it was taken to Greece. From Asia Minor the Arabs traders  took it to the  Far Eastern countries, including India and China.  

It has different names in different languages such as Hindi name(Postha, Khas Khas),  Marathi name(Khas khas),  English name(Opium Poppy seed, Khas Khas seeds),  Sanskrit name(Phan..............read more

Vitamin and Mineral content
Vitamins : A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9
Minerals : Calcium, Magnesium, Copper, Iron Manganese Phosphorus Potassium Sodium Zinc.

• 100 gram of poppy seeds provide 525 calories and are a rich source of thiamin, folate, and several essential minerals.

• Poppy seeds are composed of 6% water, 28% carbohydrates, 42% fat, and 21% protein.

• Poppy seeds contain total morphine (free and bound) in the range 58.4 to 62.2 micrograms/g seeds and total codeine (free and bound) in the range 28.4 to 54.1 micrograms/g seeds. Soaking seeds in water was found to remove 45.6 per cent of the free morphine and 48.4 per cent of the free codeine.

• Morphine, codeine, and thebaine were quant..............read more

2 Types of Poppy seeds

Black and White

Both are same and similar in action. White one is sweeter. White is de-skinned. Black is skin intact.

Properties and Benefits

  • Guna (qualities) – Laghu (lightness), Rooksha (dryness), Sookshma (minuteness), Vyavayi (spreads to all parts of the body swiftly),
  • Rasa(Taste) – Tikta (bitter), Kashaya (Astringent)
  • Vipaka – Katu – Undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion
  • Veerya – Ushna – Hot potency
  • Effects on Tridosha :
  • Opium – latex is Kaphahara – balances Kapha Dosha and increases Vata and Pitta Dosha.
  • Poppy seeds increase Kapha Dosha and decrease Vata Dosha
  •           Click here for more information about Tridosha (vata-Kapha-Pitta)

Poppy seed, oil 

Uses, Benefits, Remedies and Application

1) For good sleep : Gram of poppy seed is boiled in half a cup of milk for 1 minute. It is consumed at night. This can be continued for a month.

2) For aphrodisiac effect and induce sleep : Tablespoon of recipe is ground by adding a little water and a teaspoon of grated dry coconut. This mix paste is added with a tablespoon of jaggery and heated to just below boiling point. This is taken, in a teaspoon dose or along with milk at night.

            Click here for more information about Coconut

3) In Thailand Gotu Kola is used in detoxification of Opium poisoning. For this, Gotu Kola paste or water decoction in higher doses is administered for few months period.

              - Some plants which are useful in opium poisoning are Reetha, Sapindus, Heeng, Aamla, Erand, Karpas beej Tejptra, Dhaman, Neem, Makoy, Patal garunee.

            Click here for more information about Neem

            Click here for more information about Tejpatta

            Click here for more information about Amla

            Click here for more information about Reetha

4) Poppy seeds are effective in pacifying the general complaints like thirst, fever, inflammation, constipation, abdominal colic, irritation of the abdomen etc.

5) 10-15 gram of khas khas seeds are added to 2-3 cups of milk. This is macerated or churned well. As per need mishri or jaggery is added. This gives instant energy and pacifies tiredness.

             Click here for more information about Jaggery

6) 10-20 gram of poppy seeds are taken and soaked in milk. This is ground well to make fine paste. This paste is applied over the face. This serves as a natural moisturizer.

           Click here for more information about Cow milk

7) Poppy seeds oil is used for treatment of cardiovascular diseases such as strokes. heart attacks and other heart diseases.

              - it has oleic acid, thus it can reduce the blood pressure levels, and protects the heart attack too. Poppy seeds along with ajwain seed and 1 teaspoon of cow ghee are beneficial.

             Click here for more information about Ajwain

8) For the above age of 3-4 years children, ghee roast poppy seeds, add jaggery and water into it, give it to the baby, which is beneficial to the healthy growth of children. (2-3 teaspoonful/once a week).

            Click here for more information about Ghee

9) Poppy seeds soaked in normal water for 4-5 hours, take with the ghee is beneficial for stomach distur..............read more


  • In Indian cuisine, white poppy seeds are added for thickness, texture and flavor to recipes. Commonly used in the preparation of korma, ground poppy seeds, along with coconut and other spices, are combined into a paste added during cooking.
  • Poppy seeds are also used to garnish or as an adjuvant to farm cheese, cheese, eggs, pie crust, salad, cookies, cakes, bread, pastries, salads, sauce, chikies, chocolates, sandwiches, curries, sliced vegetables, sauces for meat and fish,  and noodles as well.
  • Whole poppy seeds are widely used as a spice and decoration in and on top of many baked goods and pastries.
  • Poppy seeds can also be used like sesame seeds, added to hamburger buns or to make a bar of candy.
  • The pop..............read more

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Reference :

1) P.V. Sharma Dravyaguna Vigyan. 

2) CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CSIR) P.O. CIMAP.   Acta Hort. 1036, ISHS 2014

3) Homescience journal

4) International Journal of Food and Nutritional Science | Year : 2015  |  Volume : 4  |  Issue : 4  |  Page : 84-90

5) wjpmr, 2018,4(8), 118-122

6) Med Sci Law,  1992 Oct;32(4):296-302.

7) J Forensic Sci. 1988 Mar;33(2):347-56.

8) RAJAR Volume 2 Issue 10 Oct 2016

9) EFSA Journal 2018;16(5):5243


11) NCBI



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