How to know your nature (Vata Pitta Kapha)

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How to know your nature (Vata Pitta Kapha)


Symptoms of Pitta nature

  • The main virtue of pitta is dosha "heat". The physical symptoms commonly found in people with bile nature are as follows:
  • Healthy muscles
  • Glowing complexion and fair skin
  • Light hair
  • Good stamina, strength and endurance
  • Physically balanced
  • Acne or freckles 
  • Good metabolism

Following are the mental symptoms commonly found in people with bile nature:

  • Critical nature
  • Interested in intellectual activities
  • Better understanding than other defects
  • intelligence
  • Short tempered
  • Good speech skills, good memory
  • Impatience

The following changes are seen in the mental symptoms of people with unbalanced bile:

  • The anger 
  • Impatience
  • the envy
  • Habit of dominating


Signs of a person with a Kapha nature

  • The main feature of Kapha is "heaviness". The physical symptoms commonly found in people with Kapha nature are as follows:
  • Solid body structure
  • Pale complexion with good skin
  • Excessive sleep
  • Heavy weight body
  • Black or brown hair with shine and oily texture

The following mental symptoms are commonly found in people of Kapha nature: 

  • Self-confidence
  • Inactivity
  • Hardworking nature (read more - home remedies to relieve fatigue)
  • Materialistic nature
  • greed

The following changes occur in the characteristics of people with unbalanced phlegm:

  • Difficulty communicating
  • Depression 
  • Increase in appetite
  • Being emotionally dependent on others
  • Lethargy
  • Lethality


Symptoms of a person with a vata nature

  • The main property of Vata dosha is "dryness". The physical symptoms commonly found in people with Vata nature are as follows:
  • Slim body and bones
  • Dark hair with thick texture
  • Dry hair and skin 
  • Crooked face
  • Low stamina
  • Attachment to strange substances

The following mental symptoms are usually found in people with Vata nature:

  • Volatile behavior
  • excitement
  • Losing things often and putting them in the wrong place 
  • Creativity and artistic nature
  • Sensitivity and shyness
  • Quick thinking and cynicism
  • Dealing with problems and challenges well
  • Vata imbalance occurs when Prana (life-giving power) is not able to control Vata. 

The following changes are seen in the mental symptoms of people with an unbalanced Vata:

  • anxiety 
  • Nervousness
  • Tension 
  • Fear
  • excitement

    > Vata means wind and contains elements of sky and air. Pitta contains elements of fire and water. Kapha contains elements of water and earth. Each dosha has its own natural properties and in Ayurveda there are foods that are associated with each dosha -

Click here for more information about Tridosha

Different tastes and it's doshas

  • Sweet

The sweet taste is earth water, it increases phlegm and reduces vata and pitta.

Disorders caused by this are heaviness, cold, obesity, excessive sleep, loss of appetite, diabetes, abnormal growth of muscles. Its healing action is on the skin and hair. It heals broken bones and promotes growth.

         Sweet taste(Madhura rasa) = Prithvi + Ap (earth + water)

  • Sour

It is the sum of earth and fire. It increases bile and phlegm. This causes a decrease in vata. Disorders caused by this are blood poisoning, ulcers and tooth sensitivity, heartburn, acidity, weakness, and increased thirst. It increases appetite, sharpens the mind and senses, is good for heart and digestion.

           Sour taste – Amla rasa = Prathvi + Agni (earth + fire)

  • Salty

The salty taste is a combination of water and fire. It increases bile and phlegm and reduces vata. These disorders increase the body's unconsciousness as well as the body's weak digestive system and skin diseases.

Additionally it gives wrinkles, hair loss, blood disorders, high blood pressure, peptic ulcers, rashes and pimples. It aids digestion, maintains water in the body and reduces the effects of other flavors.

            Salt taste(Lavana Rasa) = Jala and Agni (water + fire)

  • Spicy

Sharpness is the sum of fire and air. Air is Saturn. It increases vata and bile. It reduces phlegm. Excessive tart can increase heat in the body, also gives weakness, causes fainting and sweating.

It improves the taste of food and enhances digestion by stimulating the appetite. It improves blood circulation, eliminates toxins, cleanses the body and removes blood clots. It cures disorders caused by phlegm.

          Spicy = air + fire

  • Pungent

Pungent taste cleanses mouth, improves digestion strength, dries up food, causes watering of nose, causes lacrimation, sharpens sense organs

cure diseases like Alasaka (intestinal toper), inflammation, obesity, urticaria, chronic conjunctivitis.

          Pungent taste(Katu Rasa) = Vayu + Agni (air and fire)

  • Bitter

It is a combination of air and ether. This increases vata and decreases bile and phlegm. It can cause dehydration, increase skin roughness and it can reduce semen and bone marrow.

It is the best treatment for imbalance of body and mind. It is anti-toxic and germicidal. It relieves thirst, is good for fever, promotes digestion and clears blood.

           Bitter taste(Tikta Rasa) = Vayu + Akasha (air and ether)

  • Astringent

This mixture of air and earth increases vata and decreases pitta and phlegm. Excess of astringency leads to weakness and premature aging, constipation and gas retention.

It promotes paralysis, cramps and adversely affects the heart. This causes blood coagulation. It helps flush out excess water and reduces sweating and blood flow. It is anti-inflammatory and has a sedative effect.

           Astringent taste(Kashaya Rasa) = Vayu and Prithvi (air and earth).

Remarks :

  1. Sweet, sour and salt tastes increase Kapha Dosha and decrease Vata Dosha.
  2. Pungent, bitter and astringent tastes increase Vata Dosha and pacify Kapha Dosha.
  3. Sour, salt and pungent tastes increase Pitta Dosha.
  4. Sweet, bitter and astringent tastes decrease Pitta Dosha.

Relation between Rutu, Mahabhuta and Rasas formation-

1. Shishira Rutu - Vayu + Akasha forms

Tikta Rasa

2. Vasanta Rutu - Vayu + Prithvi forms

Kashaya Rasa

3. Grishma Rutu - Agni + Vayu forms

Katu Rasa

4. Varsha Rutu - Agni + Prithvi forms

Amla Rasa

5. Sharat Rutu - Agni + Jala forms

Lavana Rasa

6. Hemnatha Rutu - Prithvi + Jala forms

Madhura Rasa.

Evaluation of ancient concept as per modern science

Madhura Rasa – Sweetness may be connected to aldehydes and ketones, which contain a carbonyl group. Sweetness is detected by a variety of G protein coupled receptors (GPCR) coupled to the G protein gustducin found on the taste buds. 

Sweetness is produced by the presence of sugars, some proteins, and other substances such as alcohols like anethol, glycerol and propylene glycol, saponins such as glycyrrhizi

Amla Rasa – Sour taste is detected by a small subset of cells that are distributed across all taste buds called Type III taste receptor cells. H+ ions (protons) that are abundant in sour substances can directly enter the Type III taste cells through a proton channel.

Salt – The simplest receptor found in the mouth is the sodium chloride (salt) receptor. Saltiness is a taste produced primarily by the presence of sodium ions. Other ions of the alkali metals group also taste salty

Saltiness is a taste produced best by the presence of cations (such as Na+, Kr, Li) and is directly detected by cation influx into glial like cells via leak channels causing depolarisation of the cell.

Katu Rasa – Research has shown that TAS2Rs (taste receptors, type 2, also known as T2Rs) such as TAS2R38 coupled to the G protein gustducin are responsible for the human ability to taste bitter substances.

Kashaya Rasa – OH + COOH = Astingent

> Tannins are soluble in water and have astringent taste. Volatile oils may have pungent taste. Eg. Black mustard, bark of cinnamomum etc., Alkoloids are generally bitter in taste, Triglycosides Alkaloids are generally bitter in taste, triglycosides possessing bitter taste are called bitter glycosides.

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1) Guichard  c07.tex  V1 - 08/05/2016  3:38 P.M.  Page 154

2) IQWiG (Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care) ; December 20, 2011; Last Update: August 17, 2016; Next update: 2020.

3) Wikipedia



6) Ann Saudi Med. 2013 May-Jun; 33(3): 217–222. PMCID: PMC6078535

7) Charak samhita

8) Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ; Vol.4; Issue: 2; April-June 2019

8) Sushruta Samhita and many other ayurveda texts


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