Mulberry/Tuti/Shahatoot - Health benefits, application, chemical constituents, side effects and many more
Mulberry/Tuti/Shahatoot Mulberry is a fast growing deciduous plant found in wide variety of climatic, topographical and soil conditions, and is widely distributed from temperate to subtropical regions. Due to presence of valuable phytochemical constituents, mulberry as a whole plant has been utilized as a functional food since long time. Fully ripened mulberry fruit has a wonderful mouth-watering taste with a good aroma and flavour. It is appreciated for direct consumption and for making value-added products. Mulberry fruits are recognized for the well-being of human beings due to their high nutritional significance. Different colours of mulberry fruits even from the same species may have different amounts of anthocyanins Mulberry (Morus spp., Moraceae) is a well-known medicinal plant. White mulberry (Morus alba), black mulberry (M. nigra) and r more It shows anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-hyperlpidimic, anti-hypertensive,...